Subject: Re: Homepage and such
From: Debra Aaron (
Date: Tue Mar 16 2004 - 20:53:17 CST
You would need to request the engineering report from First Properties..
Debra Aaron
>From: Mike Angelopoulos <>
>Subject: Re: Homepage and such
>Date: Tue, 16 Mar 2004 16:30:12 -0800 (PST)
>Is there an engineering report I/we may see ?
>For the assessment that is, of course.
>Thomas <> wrote:
>It appears that we currently have about 40 pct of the units (excluding
>duplicates and folks on the list who've moved out) represented on the
>discussion list. When you talk to folks in the hall, consider mentioning
>to them that this list exists and it's a good forum for airing issues.
>So, encourage them to join (they can just drop me a note if they've
>forgotten how to sub)
>The homepage "shell" is up - there's not much there, but--thanks to
>Mary Deskovitch--it's being resurrected. Material will magically
>appear over the next few weeks as it's rebuilt. As of now, minutes
>of all board meetings since '99/00, the assessment discussion, and
>a few others things are there
>You need a password to get in. If you were on the old homepage, your
>old password should work. If you're new, send me PRIVATE email and I'll
>give you a pw (or, if you've forgotten the old one, send email)
>For the next few weeks, TEMPORARILY, you can access the homepage with the
>login of: guest
>and the password: guest
>When we get the more private info there (such as residents' email, etc)
>the temp password will be removed and it will require an individual
>pw. But, we'll notify folks.
>Ironic that it takes some discord to bring folks together, but that's
>the silver lining in this.
>Jim Thomas / Department of Sociology / Northern Illinois University
> /
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