Subject: RE: Brief FAQ
From: carmelita tiu (
Date: Sat Aug 18 2001 - 05:00:47 CDT
Hi Jim,
My name is Carmelita, from Unit 115. I met you and Barbara at the District
a while back. I used to work at ARC while she was a member there.
First, thanks for all the emails re: the assessment and meetings and such.
I was out of town last weekend and returned tuesday (the 16th), so it was
the only way I could catch up with everything.
I have logged onto the Vanguard website and read the messages there, but
unfortunately I can't seem to find the information I'm looking for. I'd
save them for one of the meetings but I can't make either; not the 20th
(midterm that morning in Evanston), nor on the 25th (I'll be in Henderson,
NV visiting my parents). My basic questions are these:
1. What exactly is going to be fixed with the assessment?
2 How does this affect 1st floor owners?
3. The repair and repainting of balconies seems to be a good portion of the
expense - but I don't have one. Were the balconies taken into consideration
when the %age ownership and applicable portion of the special assessment
were calculated?
4. I already sent back the form to First Properties because I was afraid to
get penalized or looped into an agreement by default. Is there still a
possibility that payment terms will be changed, and if so, does this make my
previously returned letter null or do I need to do something to rescind that
Any of your thoughts would be greatly appreciated.
Thanks! I'd also be happy to pick up minutes or something on Saturday
afternoon if any are available.
Best regards,
Carmelita Tiu
From: Jim Thomas <>
Subject: Brief FAQ
Date: Mon, 15 Mar 2004 23:40:45 -0600 (CST)
Apologies for flooding mboxes, but a global response to some Qs sent by
various folks in private email seems easier than a bunch of individual
There will be some FAQs appearing on the homepage in a week or so,
but to clear the air and attempt to reduce some of the angst/anger and
such --
A caveat: I'm not on the Board, I don't have any inside knowledge, and I
don't even play a mediator on tv. So, others can correct me if I'm wrong
here, but I offer the following based on info gleaned from being one of
the first "sign-ups" at vanguard, back in Jan '98:
1) Why isn't the board responding?
This question came up in the early days. The board members CANNOT reply
as individuals, because individual responses lack the authority of the
entire Board. Individual responses risk creating confusion between
personal opinions and official responses. So, historically, it's best
that they express their views at the board meetings, which all
residents are encouraged to attend. Being a Board member is unpaid,
thankless, and a responsibility that relieves the rest of us from work.
Our own Board, with the encouragement of Michael Rutkowski, has also
been one of the most democratic and open boards I've heard of in
condo living. They are very good about encouraging folks to attend
meetings and listening, which isn't required, isn't done by many boards,
and is a good-faith attempt to generate resident involvement.
It's worth noting that a review of the minutes for the past 4+ years
indicates that very, very few residents attend meetings.
2) Why is First Properties so screwed up??
First Properties, in my view, is actually pretty good. Yeh, I've chided
Michael both publicly and privately about a few things, such as lack
of communication at times and some occasional ascii insensitivity. In But,
the reality is that 1P has been fiscally responsible, handled a number
of sudden problems well, and--when residents trashed things--generally
dealt with them quickly. Michael was a resident in Vanguard from the
early days, and helped guide us through the early days. When the first
Board was elected, it selected 1P as the property manager. 1P had no
connection to Rezmar and was (and remains) active in trying to get Rezmar
to fulfill its obligations to the building. So, our criticisms should
be tempered with a recognition of the effective things 1P has done.
3) How can I make my concerns known to the Board?
a) Run for the Board when there's a vacancy
b) Use the discussion list
d) Write the Board at:
(or, will get it there too)
e) Talk with your neighbors (hey, a "hi" in the elevator is a start!)
f) See c) above
The Board (and 1P) have, in the last few days, attempted to find meeting
times to share information and deal with our concerns. They're doing what
they can in a situation that none of us like to help ease us through this.
4) Why are we socked with these darned assessments?
a) Blame the city - It's their building code
b) See a)
d) Blame Rezmar (which seems to have a pattern of generating ill-will)
e) See b)
f) see d)
So, as we criticize, let's also keep the flip side in perspective and
try to work with 1P and the Board - from my experience, even as one
who's often critical--they have our best interests in mind and judging
from their response to people's concerns are doing their best to address
Getting the repairs done is a requirement imposed on us, so the trick
is to work together and reduce pain. (OK, everybody...GROUP HUG!!)
(yawn) Sorry for the length, and we'll try to address this in more detail
in the FAQs.
Jim Thomas / Department of Sociology / Northern Illinois University /
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