Elevator Repair comment (mainly for board members)

Subject: Elevator Repair comment (mainly for board members)
From: Michele Tittle (micheletittle@sbcglobal.net)
Date: Tue Apr 20 2004 - 14:06:24 CDT

Hey all,

Just an FYI, I don't know if we can address it with the Prop. Manager at the next board meeting- but figured I would at least mention it. Since it appears the elevator work is done and the crew has removed their 'stuff' from the hallway up here- I just wanted to bring it to someone's attention the condition of the rug in that area post the repairs. I don't know if we have any recourse to ask them to clean it, but the rug in front of the elevator and door to the 7th floor is trashed, (for lack of a better word). There is a huge (oil?) stain about the size of a trashcan lid, and other smaller stains and marks that were not there prior to the repair guys working there.

I just point it out because I know while I was in the house shopping market, I paid close attention to the aesthetics of the building, especially the floors and walls in the common areas. The condition they left this area is far beyond some of the 'typical' carpet stains we have on this floor and I would hope we can ask them to front the cost of cleaning/repair.


Michele Tittle - Unit 701

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