Re: Security Camera at the Mail Boxes

Subject: Re: Security Camera at the Mail Boxes
From: Michael E. Rutkowski \(First Properties\) (
Date: Tue May 11 2004 - 15:28:54 CDT

I'll ignore Jon's underhanded shots at First Properties and myself and let
his continued ignorance to the Vanguard Community and association living
speak for itself.

The sort of parcel boxes proposed by Mr. Jones are already at Vanguard, in
plain view. The bank of regular mailboxes has 3 parcel boxes for USPS
access on the lower right hand side. Formerly, one had a "master
commercial" lock for private carriers (FedEx, etc) the others were for the
Post Office. A few years ago, the Board decided to no longer give the
private carriers access to the building (for security reasons) and now all
parcel boxes have a USPS lock on them.

Coincidentally, I was at the building today to take pictures of the
previously mentioned broken postal lock to aid in getting it repaired
faster. I've attached one of those pictures, and you'll notice 3 boxes on
the lower right hand side that have 2 locks on them...these are the parcel
boxes. 2 of the parcel boxes (the bottom two) are in use right now. (The
keys, which can only be removed by the Post Office, have been removed,
meaning there is a parcel in each, and the key for each is in someone's
regular mailbox.) I can't control the postal carrier's decision-making
process on when to use the parcel boxes and when to leave mail on the
Finally, perhaps I misunderstood, but I do not believe the stolen mail
originally reported on this discussion board was stolen as a result of a
broken lock, it was stolen because the package was left on the counter. I'm
not sure how that would expedite the repair to the lock, nor would I
advocate filing a false report.

As far as the video camera goes, our surveillance system is "maxed out."
Meaning, we can't add any more cameras, we can only relocate an existing
camera. That would mean taking a camera away from one of the entrances or
storage room. That's an option the Board could discuss, but I fear we would
simply be "moving" our problem to another area of the building. Another
security system could be added, but there is no money in the budget to take
on such an endeavor this year.

Michael E. Rutkowski
First Properties, LLC
Phone: 312.829.8900
Fax: 312.829.8950
----- Original Message -----
From: "Jon Jones" <>
To: <>
Sent: Tuesday, May 11, 2004 12:56 PM
Subject: Re: Security Camera at the Mail Boxes

> It seems a simpe solution to the problem would be to install a USPS -
or -Private Shipper parcel locker in the mailroom. This is a locker system
used in several large condo / apartment buildings that do not have
mailrooms/doormen. The lockers come in different sizes and probably could be
recessed installed in the wall above the mailboxes.
> The parcel delivery carrier (USPS or private shipper) places the parcel in
a locker, then uses a locker control key to remove the locker key and place
it in the receipents locked mailbox. The receiptent opens the locker and
removes the delivered parcel with the key and the key remains locked in
place to be removed by an approved carrier.
> Examples of this type of system can be found at these sites or by
searching for "parcel locker"
> Different lockers can be found for the needs of the Vanguard residents at
a cost less then your loss to date.
> A decent property management company would have suggested this after
receiving a few complaints of stolen packages. Also, a decent property
management company would know that the request to have the broken lock on
the mailbox unit would be expediated if a stolen mail report is filed with
the US Postal Inspector - but I'm sure calling again will help too.
> CHICAGO IL 60607-0002
> Phone : 312-983-7900
> Fax : 312-983-6300
> Just some hints from your former neighbor.
> Michele Tittle <> wrote:
> Is there ANYTHING we can do to install a security camera at the maiboxes.
I have had my 6th packaged stolen since I moved into Vanguard since January.
I have called the post office, I have instructed that no packages be left
for me and that I am called to come down to get them (I have a home office)
and/or they leave a slip if I am not at home. Despite my best efforts- I am
only called on about 1 out of 5 packages and about one out of every 4 of
those is being stolen. I have posted signs as well and I understand from
talking with neighbors I am not the only one who has had packages stolen.
> I am out almost $650.00 now because the packages are being confirmed as
delivered so I have no recourse with the shippers. My only other option is
to get a post office box but that is just an additional expense and huge
inconvenience. I know this issue has been brought up before but I don't
recall the outcome and why we can't do this. Can this be brought up at the
next home owners meetings or can someone explain why this is not an option?
> Thank you.
> Michele Tittle
> #701
> ---------------------------------
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