Subject: Re: name and e-mail change
From: Michael E. Rutkowski \(First Properties\) (
Date: Mon Jul 19 2004 - 08:52:45 CDT
The "breach of contract" is failure to adequately service owners that
experienced outages. The goal is to improve service by having USADish
removed as our system administrator and have Dish Network either manage the
system directly, or install a new provider.
The Verizon lease agreement is still in negotiation, and I cannot give
details at this time. However, before the Board decides on accepting or
rejecting the proposal, the basic provisions will be communicated to all
Michael E. Rutkowski
First Properties, LLC
Phone: 312.829.8900
Fax: 312.829.8950
----- Original Message -----
From: "Rodell Knight" <>
To: <>
Sent: Sunday, July 18, 2004 6:09 PM
Subject: RE: name and e-mail change
> Thanks Jim... However I think I may be mis-understood... I have been here
> since '99 and am aware of the history of the Dish Network/Prim Cable
> ordeal... But I see a letter on the 1st floor near the rear elevator that
> states we have a lawyer that will speaking to USA Dish because we feel
> they breached the contract... I personally never subscribed to Dish
> and perhaps that it is why it does not appear obvious to me. Can someone
> provide some insight into what will be happened for us to come to such a
> conclusion. I have heard many complaints about the service and outages but
> had not heard anything substantial nor anyhting that seemed out of the
> for a line of sight communication service like satellite.
> And number 2 will the proposal which Verizon has for us be made available
> for residents to see... I am asking because I have a lot of interest in
> one... I understnd why Verizon would want to add more cellular antennas in
> this area but I wouldn't expect ur building to be a first choice. So I am
> interested in seeing the offer and wondering how much time they said they
> are giving us to review this offer...
> -----Original Message-----
> From:
> [] On Behalf Of Jim Thomas
> Sent: Sunday, July 18, 2004 2:46 PM
> To:
> Subject: RE: name and e-mail change
> Michael R can likely add details, but my own recollection:
> We contracted with Dish in mid-2002. A number of questions arose at that
> time, and we put them in a "frequently asked questions" file for Vanguard
> residents. See:
> At the time, it was the best deal around. I was among those originally
> uncomfortable with the extended contract, but in looking around, it seemed
> good deal. Comcast and others weren't available at the time. Dish added
> security cameras that we can access from our TVs.
> > Question about the USA Dish contract and the Verizon deal...
> > - When will the minutes be available and will the items be on the
> > agenda agoun for another meeting...?
> The minutes from 1999 to Feb 23 '04 are online on the Vanguard homepage
> ( or Either URL
> should work
> After signing in, go to "resident info" and then to "minutes"
> Or, you can get the DISH FAQs directly at:
> You can also find some of the discussion list posts from May/Oct 2002 that
> include DISH discussion at:
> You'll need a password/login id to sign in, so if you don't have one, send
> me private email and I'll set you up.
> Jim / #501
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> Jim Thomas / Department of Sociology / Northern Illinois University
> /
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