Re: Dish Restore?

Subject: Re: Dish Restore?
From: Derek Lane (
Date: Thu Aug 05 2004 - 08:01:16 CDT

You need to unplug your box then run a check switch test and it should reconnect.

Michele Tittle <> wrote:
Hello all,

Before I call DISH (yet again...) I am hoping there is some reset *trick* I
don't know.

I know the satellite is operational, because my other tv is fine, but my
second TV has been out since the storm last night. I have tried all the
system info, I 'point dish' and it says I have a signal strength and
connection succeeded, but still all I get is the signal lost green screen of
death. The only thing that might be odd is that my 'check the switch',
never detects a switch, after I spent over an hour running all 3 tests.

Any suggestions, or do I have to begin the waiting game with Roddy?


Michele #701

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