Re: Board Meeting and CAPS meeting

Subject: Re: Board Meeting and CAPS meeting
From: Mary Deskovich (
Date: Mon Aug 16 2004 - 19:05:05 CDT

Hopefully, the person noticing these individuasls called 911 (NOT 311 as was earlier suggested) In light of all the problems recently, suspicious individuals are an emergency situation and need to be reported to 911.
As far as sufficient notice of Board meetings, by law the meeting notices are required, but I believe it's only 48 hours which really doesn't give a whole lot of time to plan to attend. We have set tentative dates for the rest of the year. While there is a possibility that the dates might need to change, you could ask Donna for the dates (I don't remember them off hand) and plan accordingly. Then, as the dates approach, check to make sure they haven't changed.
Hope that makes it easier for interested owners.
Mary wrote:

I would like to second Christie's motion of rescheduling the board meeting
for another night. I find it very difficult to be in two places at one
time. This problem continues to plague our neighborhood and we need to do
something about it.

There were more vehicles break-ins this weekend. On early Sunday morning
around 2:30am two individuals were noticed outside on the street. One was
acting as a lookout watching for traffic and pedestrians while the other
went car to car looking for targets. If you have your windows open at
night and hear someone whistling or making strange noises, they are
signaling to their partners in crime that someone is approaching. Keep
your eyes and ears open.

Lastly, do vehicle owners who park in the garage realize they can close
the overhead garage door when leaving simply by pushing the button on the
remote control. This past weekend I watched as five different vehicles
left the garage and not one person closed the door behind them. Everyone
drove off assuming the overhead door would close automatically. As we all
know, the door seems to malfunction on a regular basis. It takes probably
about 15 seconds to push the button on the remote and watch the door close
before driving off.

Christian A. Lattimer
Bank One - Network Engineer
One North Dearborn
Chicago, IL 60602

Phone: 312-407-1333
Pager: 877-412-7720

Christian A Lattimer
Sent by:
08/16/2004 03:41 PM
Please respond to vanguard-talk

cc: (bcc: Christian A Lattimer/IL/ONE)
Subject: Board Meeting and CAPS meeting

Just wanted to pass along my input that it's frustrating that the Board
scheduled their meeting on the same night as the CAPS meeting, given all
of the recent car break-ins, particularly since residents have been
encouraged to participate in both. Any chance the board meeting can be
changed so that we can participate in both meetings? Thx.

Also, again, it would be nice to have more than a couple of day's notice
of board meetings. For those of us who would like to participate, it's
almost impossible to do so, when we find out about meetings a few days in
advance (I think I received my notice on Friday or Saturday for the
meeting this Tuesday). Thanks.

Christie Ross
Anixter Inc.
2301 Patriot Blvd.
Mailstop 2N
Glenview, IL 60025

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