Re: Minutes of Sept 30 meeting?

Subject: Re: Minutes of Sept 30 meeting?
Date: Thu Oct 21 2004 - 10:35:45 CDT


It seems like, in light of us trying to get out of our contract with USA
Dish due to poor service, Roddy's $60 fee should be waived this year as
well. Can you please look into that possibility for us?

Also, there seems to be a sewage or trash problem on the 3rd floor near
the back entrance/exit. The trash chute doesn't seem to be blocked, so
I'm assuming it may be more of a sewage problem, but the smell is potent.

Thanks in advance for your help.

Christie Ross
Anixter Inc.
2301 Patriot Blvd.
Mailstop 2N
Glenview, IL 60025
----- Forwarded by Christie Ross/USC/AXE on 10/21/2004 10:33 AM -----

Joy Ringger <>
Sent by:
10/21/2004 10:30 AM
Please respond to vanguard-talk

        cc: (bcc: Christie Ross/USC/AXE)
        Subject: Re: Minutes of Sept 30 meeting?

Jim, did you get the minutes from the September meeting?
Also I wanted to let everyone know that I talked to Roddy at USA dish and
he said that no one paid the $60 fee last year because First Properties
negotiated a deal with him to drop the charge. Since so many people were
reporting bad service from Dish, they decided not to charge the annual fee
lasat year. However this year the fee has been reinstated and will
continue to be charged annually.
Unit 603

Jim Thomas <> wrote:

Does anybody have the minutes for the Sept board meeting minutes?
We have them all through June 29 (see:
(the vanguard homepage, if you haven't been there, is:

if you don't have a password, send me private email

What was decided about the Dish issue? Are we pursuing litigation,
or will we try to build a bridge? Is there any official word on
what, in fact, we'll get, and how much it will cost, to switch?

If we can heal the breach with Dish/Roddy, it might be in our interests
to avoid the expense of litigation, especially if it's not clear whether,
in fact, we do any better with service, infrastructure, and the rest.
If this is a long and costly process, what will we gain?


Jim Thomas / Department of Sociology / Northern Illinois University /

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