Subject: Re: Storage Unit being used
From: vasilios litsas (
Date: Fri Jan 07 2005 - 08:49:44 CST
i am the owner of unit 704. i'm storing my items in my bin lower section towards the middle. the contents of the upper bin are not mine...i didnt even notice another 704 label...strange but its not mine...if you have any questions stop by.
vasilios litsas
Michele Tittle <> wrote:
Somebody has taken over my storage unit in the downstairs bike room. I
believe the first one in that room, top bin is for unit 701. It appears
that there are two labeled 704, although this one also is labeled 701 (701
bottom, 704 written across top) -so I am not sure if 704 is using both- so I
will see if I can catch them at home as well. Can whomever is using this
bin please clean it out, I have a bunch of stuff I temporarily put in 515
(since I dragged it all down there)- but was hoping mine can be cleared so I
don't have to drag it all back upstairs.
Michele #701
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