Subject: Re: Land Line
Date: Thu Mar 24 2005 - 13:29:06 CST
You need a land line phone. The door system runs on the telephone line
going to your unit. It is not necessary to have phone service... the door
system works independent of SBC. Chances are your door buzzer isn't
hooked up at the punchdown block in the telcom closet. If the previous
owners had the phone service disconnected, the phone technicians probably
disconnected the line to your unit, which also disconnected you from the
door system.
Christian A. Lattimer
J.P. Morgan Chase & Co. - Network Engineer
One North Dearborn
Chicago, IL 60602
Phone: 312-407-1333
Pager: 877-412-7720
Christian A Lattimer
"Zach Simmons" <>
Sent by:
03/24/2005 12:40 PM
Please respond to vanguard-talk
To: <>
Subject: Land Line
Hi Everybody,
I'm having a small problem with the door buzzer. I only have a cell
phone and don't have a land-line. I'm not really sure but I don't think
it is possible buzz people in via my cell. Does anybody else run into
this problem? Is there a work-around or should I just go out and get a
land line?
Zach Simmons
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