Re: Lock/Door on outside parking lot

Subject: Re: Lock/Door on outside parking lot
From: Joy Ringger (
Date: Thu May 12 2005 - 11:09:03 CDT

This has been an ongoing problem for at least a year. Someone comes out to fix it and then in a few months it breaks again. I know that First Properties is aware of it but maybe we need a new door if we can't fix the lock.
Joy Ringger

Michele Tittle <> wrote:

Hi all,

Has anyone else had a problem with getting in/out of the outside parking
lot? I have had numerous occasions that the door won't open, I don't think
it is my key because I have been stuck inside where the door just won't open
and no key is required from the inside. I have had to hop the fence about
5x now to get in or out, which in a dress, not so much fun :)

Is it just me, or do we have a problem that maybe someone needs to look


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