First Properties - Time for a change?

Subject: First Properties - Time for a change?
From: Jim Thomas (
Date: Wed Oct 26 2005 - 22:11:06 CDT

Recent public posts to this discussion group have raised serious issues
about security and maintenance and the competency of 1P.

I have sent private email to Loretta, the new guru of Vanguard Lofts (as
well as a public post). The response has been underwhelming. While I've
long considered it bad form to attack an individual publicly, in this
case, I must raise serious concerns about Loretta's competence and
intergrity during a time of security and other concerns, to which she
has been inattentive and unresponsive.

I have tried to engage issues with her in private email. She is less
than responsive. Her latest response to the issue of door locks dismissed
the questions with a one line "most doors have second locks" comment
that indicates she neither understands the issues of concern nor knows
the building. She has yet to respond to private follow-up email.

I have long complained to Michael Rutkowski that 1P is its own
worst enemy because of lack of communication. He has remained silent
in these current issues of security.

Lorreta, 1P, and Michael, should at least acknowledge out concerns,
if even to say, "we don't care about you - we just want your money!"
At least that would be honest.

My normally laid-back conciliatory approach has been pushed beyond the

Loretta is simply not doing her job.

Some of us are concerned not just about the security of our property,
but about the security of our physical safety. Loretta has remained
silent. She has been asked about the policies of security locks that,
while perhaps violating bylaws, are common-sense security steps. She
has remained silent, other than her recent patronizing and unhelpful
"most doors have second locks" comment.

Loretta has not responded to queries or concerns, and Michael has also
remained silent. She and/or Michael, should indicate that security
cameras are being examined to identify the miscreant and the dog.
She and/or Michael should take our security concerns about locks
seriously. She and/or Michael should respond to queries for information
about breakins. She and/or Michael should keep us at least minimally

Given the pattern of non-communication, the repeated requests (and
polite suggestions that it's, like--you know--kind of important--
Perhaps it's time to consider dumping first properties.

If Loretta cannot be trusted to do her job, to communicate, to
reflect even minimal integrity in following up--all of which puts
our safety at risk, she and 1p are part of the problem.

If Michael cannot or will not deal with this, then it's time we
consider an alternative property manager.

We pay 1P for competence. The current new employee suggests that
we are over-paying.

If Loretta and/or Michael cannot respond to our concerns, then I recommend
we raise with the Board the possibility of finding a property manager
who can. I am not willing to entrust my personal safety or the protection
of my property to 1P under the current conditions.

Jim Thomas / #501

Jim Thomas / Department of Sociology / Northern Illinois University /

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