Re: Vanguard Lofts - Building Heat

Subject: Re: Vanguard Lofts - Building Heat
Date: Wed Dec 07 2005 - 10:01:25 CST

OK, thanks Michael. I had a feeling this might be the case but I didn't
see any notification indicating the common area temperature was going to
be setback due to the extreme cold weather. It was a bit of a shock to
have the hallways drop 20 degrees. I'm all for saving a few dollars where
we can.

Thanks for the info. It is appreciated.

- Chirs

Christian A Lattimer

"Michael E. Rutkowski" <>
Sent by:
12/07/2005 09:49 AM
Please respond to vanguard-talk
        To: <>,
        cc: <>
        Subject: Re: Vanguard Lofts - Building Heat

The hallway heat has been purposely reduced to 60 degrees to reduce
heating costs. With the cold outside air, it is not surprising that we
are not hitting the 60 degree mark.

Michael E. Rutkowski
First Properties, LLC
Phone: 312.829.8900
Fax: 312.829.8950
  ----- Original Message -----
  Cc: Michael E. Rutkowski ;
  Sent: Wednesday, December 07, 2005 9:19 AM
  Subject: Vanguard Lofts - Building Heat

  The heating for the common area hallways is not working properly. Last
night I used my portable thermometer and measured the 3rd floor hallway
temperature and found it to be around 58 degrees. This morning on my way
out the door I checked the 2nd floor hallway and it was the same
temperature. Has anyone else in the building experienced abnormally cold
hallway temperatures?

  Can we have maintenance come out to Vanguard Lofts and take a look at
the heating unit for the west end of the building. (It probably wouldn't
hurt to check the east end unit at the same time.) If maintenance is not
capable of restoring heat, we may need to schedule an appointment with our
heating/cooling contractor.

  I'll back this email up with a phone call to First Properties. If First
Properties has already been notified of this maintenance issue, please
just respond back with an email so we know it is being handled. Thank

  Best regards,
  - Chris

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