Subject: Re: Vanguard Lofts - Building Heat
From: Jim Thomas (
Date: Wed Dec 07 2005 - 11:50:29 CST
> And I second that motion!!!
> Perhaps we can have electronic voting and/or meetings to improve
> owner participation. Have a blog or wiki or something for issue
> discussion and some electronic voting....
Technologically, this would be quite easy to do, either as email voting
(my preference) or on the homepage.
But, other problems complicate it:
1) Not everybody, even today, uses the Net
2) Michael/1P might double check the ICPA to make sure there's not
some subtle language that requires caution
3) We might need a two-tiered voting system, one for e-votes, the
other for f2f meetings/proxy/snailmail/fax
Cautions aside, it's certainly something to consider and see what might
Jim / 501
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