Re: Another breakin??

Subject: Re: Another breakin??
Date: Thu Dec 22 2005 - 16:40:07 CST

Unit 708 at the end of the hallway. It is on the east side of the
building around the corner. It is also the closest unit to the rear
elevator and steps.

The residents of the unit did not have an alarm. As with many units in
the building ,the unit only had the deadbolt lock to prevent entry. As I
witnessed today, the standard lock and deadbolt lock are no match for a
pry bar. The door frame bent and the lock broke without a great deal of
effort. I have pictures of the forced entry and will send them to Jim,
hopefully we can get the pictures posted to the website. The pictures
show how very little damage is caused during the entry.

Another security tip... for those with walk-in closets... secure your
valuables in a safe or lockbox, place them in the closet and use a keyed
lock on the door.

- Chris

Christian A Lattimer

"Tom Kikta" <>
Sent by:
12/22/2005 04:25 PM
Please respond to vanguard-talk
        To: <>
        Subject: Re: Another breakin??

Did Michael indicate what floor/unit got hit? You indicated 7th in your
earlier e-mail...I live on the 7th floor.

Thomas C. Kikta, AIA
Legat Architects

>>> 12/22/2005 2:52 PM >>>

> my understanding is yes. i would like to know if
> anyone is looking at the security tapes, seeing people
> leave with stuff.

I just heard from Michael R. He said that Ed Kurek reported it to him
immediately, and that they'll be looking at the tapes ASAP.


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