Subject: Re: Vanguard Lofts - Forced Entry & Burglary
From: Jenny Lee (
Date: Fri Dec 23 2005 - 17:51:30 CST
Thank you everyone! No worries, everything taken is replaceable. Thanks for
your support. :)
----Original Message Follows----
From: "Michele Tittle" <>
To: <>
Subject: Re: Vanguard Lofts - Forced Entry & Burglary
Date: Fri, 23 Dec 2005 17:00:57 -0600
ahh Jenny, that is awful!
Kevin (my husband) emailed the police district after finding the email for
District 01. He hasn't heard back yet, but the sheer fact it took them 45
minutes to get here is just ludicrous! I can only imagine if you were home
like our neighbor on the 4th floor and they failed to show in a timely
Take care,
Michele #701
----- Original Message -----
From: "Jenny Lee" <>
To: <>
Sent: Friday, December 23, 2005 2:59 PM
Subject: Re: Vanguard Lofts - Forced Entry & Burglary
> Hey everyone,
> I am catching up on the emails from th past couple days and I can fill in
> some gaps of info. I'm the owner of the unit that got burglarized
> First off, the robbers still made off with my TV, DVD player, PS2, VCR,
> almost all my DVDs, iPaq, cell phone, camara, some jewelry, almost all
> Christmas gifts I had wrapped & left on my table, and so I would
> say that they left a lot of stuff! However, I am so glad for the the two
> neighbors in 703 who spotted the robbers on the 1st floor and made the
> calls, bc there were a couple bags of things they ended up leaving
> The robbers were two African American men & they did get them on tape.
> locksmith who came to look at my door said that it did not take much to
> break my deadbolt, probably less than a minute. I have a notch on the
> of my door that looks like it was made with a screwdriver, but I'm not
> sure if that is all they used. He said I had a lightweight deadbolt and
> it made sense that the robbers worked as a team of 2. I don't quite
> the technical details he gave me, but he said that one person is needed
> hold the doorknob and the other applies pressure to the bolt. Together,
> makes for an easy break-in. My deadbolt was busted & on the floor when I
> walked into the doorway. Also, I had a small slit between the metal
> doorframe and the wooden door that made it easier to break the bolt. (I
> not have a second lock (like a doorhandle/door knob lock). I don't mean
> scare anyone, but I notice now that some of my neighbors have the same
> standard/lightweight lock that I had and that their door does not lay
> against their doorframes like mine was. Also, the locksmith I used said
> noticed that some of the door locks were loose on some of the units on my
> floor as he was walking down my hallway. I recommend that you all
> upgrading your deadbolts to a heavier weight and adding a 2nd lock to the
> doorknob. I remember Jim Thomas advising us in the past to do this and I
> wish I had followed up on that! Thank you Barbara, for passing on the
> security company's contact info! I plan to sign up asap.
> Take care, everyone, Have a wonderful holiday!
> Thank you Christian for all of that detail. The good news is that they
> spotted and the police were called and that they left a lot of the stuff
> they stole.
> The bad news is that it took the police 45 minutes to get to the
> I am surprised at this. Last year, we screwed up punching in the code to
> our alarm system one night and didn't remember the code needed when the
> security people called us. The police were out within 10 or 15 minutes
> the that call. We were very happy about that.
> By the way, did the victims today, or any from the past, have their
> systems activated? If they did, then I'm really going to worry. Every
> in the building is equipped with an alarm touch pad, but you have to sign
> with the company and pay the yearly fee to set it up.
> Barbara Thomas 501
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: <>
> To: <>
> Cc: <>;
> <>
> Sent: Thursday, December 22, 2005 3:41 PM
> Subject: Vanguard Lofts - Forced Entry & Burglary
> > There was a break-in and burglary today around 11:30am. Two
> > entered the front of the building via the Throop Street entrance.
> > entry was used to gain access to the vestibule. A pry bar was
> > between the door security plate and the door frame. Once enough
> > was applied the lock broke giving the perpetrators access to the
> > vestibule.
> >
> > The perpetrators then gained access to 1st floor hallway by using a
> device
> > to pop open the lock. Most likely it was a hacksaw blade or some
> > metallic strip was placed between the door and the frame to open the
> lock.
> >
> > Unit 708 was the victim of the crime. The burglars used a pry bar
> > between the door frame and the wooden door to gain access to the unit.
> The
> > door frame bent and the lock broke under the extreme pressure from the
> pry
> > bar. Please note, this unit had a deadbolt and it did not stop them
> > gaining access.
> >
> > Residence of the 7th floor spotted the burglars on the 1st floor
> > a TV down the hallway towards the front door of the building. A pile
> > stolen goods was seen next to the elevator and stairwell on the 7th
> floor.
> > The residence of the 7th floor then called the police to report the
> > was in progress.
> >
> > Five squad cars were dispatched to the building. It took the police
> > approximately 45 minutes to arrive at the building after the call was
> > placed. The police investigated the unit and swept the building
> > for the perpetrators and other damage. Some items were recovered, but
> the
> > burglars did manage to get away with a television and cd player.
> >
> > First Properties was notified about the incident around 1:00pm. They
> > going to send someone out to fix the broken door on the front of the
> > building. Julio was also dispatched to the property to aid the
> > with access to the security tapes. The police have been notified of
> > security tapes and they are in the process of being handed over to the
> > evidence investigation office that is handling this case.
> >
> > It is my hopes that First Properties will notify all residence of this
> > burglary ASAP. Many residence are not on this discussion group and
> > not aware of the crime. I will ask Loretta to send out information to
> all
> > residence.
> >
> > In talking to the officers and other residence of the building, people
> > should know that another break-in was attempted sometime within the
> > month. Someone tried to force entry into a unit while someone was
> > Crime does seem to peak around the holiday season, so please be on the
> > lookout.
> >
> > - Chris
> >
> >
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