Subject: Re: security systems
From: Donald Knight (
Date: Sat Dec 31 2005 - 07:24:09 CST
I am for improved security. I am not sure if a key
card solution addresses our concerns. There are
devices that aren't all that expensive that people use
to take a card's unique information to create their
own key card. And card readers/writers are not
expensive at all. We would have to invest in package
to regularly update the software and hardware to out
system so that as these items are updated they our
system is updated. Copying a key requires getting
someones keym copying a keycard happens from a a
person using their key, computer electronic Guess.
I am concerned with the number of thefts as well.
--- wrote:
> I used MR. SARLI from BRINKS 312 617 5296
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Amit Patel <>
> To:
> Sent: Thu, 29 Dec 2005 20:06:58 -0800 (PST)
> Subject: security systems
> does anyone have the number to Brinks and also
> another security company: MandR??
> Sorry lost it from the last time
> amit - 711
> ---------------------------------
> Yahoo! DSL Something to write home about. Just
> $16.99/mo. or less
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