Re: Meeting summary??

Subject: Re: Meeting summary??
From: Tom Kikta (
Date: Mon Jan 09 2006 - 09:12:55 CST


I'll have minutes posted for Friday's meeting in a day or two.

Thomas C. Kikta, AIA
Legat Architects

>>> 1/6/2006 9:30 PM >>>

Maybe others can share their perceptions of what happened for those who
couldn't make the meeting. A quick summary:

1) Loretta Wheeler summarized the breakin patterns and what 1P knows.
Most recent appear to be the work of a free-ranging gang, she said

2) Some possible solutions were proposed that residents can do:

  a) Get to know each other by face/name;
don't let strangers in; the usual...

  b) Organize your floors and bring up packages and hold them for others
on the floor, bring in papers

  c) Consider safes or other semi-secure places to store valuables;
Don't leave passports or cash around; ACTIVATE ALARMS; get stronger
bolt lock and add a knob lock; get a lock plate

  d) tone down telephones when gone so bad guys don't hear answering
machine come on

  e) keep radio on

3) Other security measures were raised that the board will consider:

   a) There was some discussion that security guards wouldn't be effective

   b) Card-keys for units and for front/back door
   c) Alarm for front/back door that goes off when door is forced

   d) Make elevator key-activated

   e) motion-activated lights for doors at night

   f) upgrade existing security camera systems
   g) Add a few more security cameras

   h) enclose first floor stair wells

There were some other proposals. Strengths/weaknesses of some of the
above were raised. If I heard right, replacing current keys with key
cards sounded like a serious possibility.

What can other folk who were there add or correct?


Jim Thomas / Department of Sociology / Northern Illinois University /

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