Subject: Re: Home Security Systems
Date: Tue Jan 31 2006 - 17:13:48 CST
Hey Kerry,
Loretta Wheeler from First Properties was checking into a group discount
on home security systems. She probably has some information, but I don't
think it has been sent out yet. You may want to contact her directly.
I've been focusing my time on getting estimates for security/access
control systems for the building. We are in the process of collecting
bids right now. While speaking with the security consultant from ADT I
got the contact information for the Residential Sales Manager. I'm going
to forward this information to Loretta. Then she can contact ADT
Securities and see if they are willing to offer a group rate package deal
to people in the building.
Many people in the building are using Brinks. The contact information for
this company has been passed around the message board. I'm sure someone
will post it again if you need it.
- Chris
Christian A Lattimer
Kerry Judd <>
Sent by:
01/31/2006 03:56 PM
Please respond to vanguard-talk
Subject: Home Security Systems
It was discussed at the meeting a few weeks ago that we may be able to
get a discount on installation of a home security system if enough of us
were interested in getting one installed. Has anyone heard anything
further about this?
Kerry, #504
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