Subject: Re: HDTV
From: Amit Patel (
Date: Wed Feb 08 2006 - 05:57:10 CST
I personally have run into several problems with Big Skyz's service. The won't honor all of the promotions and plans offered by USA Dish, who they are supposedly representing. For example, if you set up a new service through USA Dish as a single home, you can rent a combination receiver/DVR box. However, Big Skyz told me that i would have to purchase an entirely seperate DVR box at my own cost or purchase the combo myself. Also, in the process of installing my cable they've been out 3 different times one point trying to drill a hole through the wall onto the balcony for "access". And, this was after nobody from the national company or First Properties could get in touch with Big Skyz for over a 3 weeks straight. I still do not have cable. Needless to say, i'm very unimpressed with their service; and, it's not like we're getting some great deal either.
Amit 711
Jim Thomas <> wrote:
> Does everybody have a really old reciever from USA Dish?
We have the one they gave us way back when we started with them. It's
been reprogrammed a time or two.
Amit B. Patel, MD
Dept. of Otolaryngolgoy-
Head & Neck Surgery
Chicago, IL 60612
(P) 312.996.2242
Ext: 8724
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