Subject: Vanguard Lofts - USA Dish (Roddy)
Date: Wed Feb 08 2006 - 14:49:08 CST
Currently we are locked into a 10 year contract with USA Dish. It is my
understanding that as of 2006 we still have 4 years left on the contract.
USA Dish has exclusive rights to the property and this is why you can't
get Direct TV, Comcast, or any type of service for that matter. USA Dish
owns the satellite equipment and portions of the distribution
infrastructure in the building.
The board of directors recently met with R. Bryce Glenn, President of
Global Edge Technologies, Incorporated (A.K.A. Roddy from USA Dish) and
listened to his 10 minute business proposal for installing a new
infrastructure in the building. Basically, Roddy has proposed to upgrade
the satellite system, installed broadband connections to every unit in the
building, supply wireless internet to the entire building, VOIP for local
and long distance calling, give everyone the option for a home security
system, and provide increased customer server.
This all sounds great and looks good on paper... but then we started the
Q&A session. The board of directors questioned Roddy for over an hour
asking very specific and detailed questions about:
- service level agreements
- quality of service terms
- bulk rate pricing structure for satellite, HDTV, internet, etc.
- broadband internet and wireless implementations
- wireless security
- enhanced E911 for VOIP services
- fault tolerant system specifications
- price structure
- projected long range prices and service offerings
- contract disclosure with Echostar Corporate
- license agreements with partner companies
- customer references
- projected roll-out dates and time lines
- service level impacts to current customers
- hardware specifications for internet routers & switches
- hardware specifications for satellite equipment
- etc.
After the Q&A Roddy asked that we sign an agreement to install the new
system. The agreement would be an addendum to the current contract and
would lock him in for an additional 5 years. The board of directors
choose not to sign any agreement at this time pending further review of
the contract. There are a lot of questions that need to be answered
before any decisions are finalized. (Roddy has a pipe dream of becoming
the single source provider for all technical infrastructure in our
building, but he has nothing tangible to backup his ideas.)
The board of directors is aware of the many problems with USA Dish. We
are working hard to plan for the future so we can outfit the building with
state of the art infrastructure and services.
Let history be a lesson to all... Roddy and USA Dish have left us with
very little customer service or customer satisfaction over the past six
USA Dish has not performed any system upgrades in the building since the
original installation of the satellite system. Roddy's focus is on his
new company (Global Edge Technologies) and seems to have very little
interest in performing upgrades to existing customers.
The only course of action we have against Roddy is filling formal
complaints with Echostar Corporate. We need to document every request for
service and prove that USA Dish is not meeting the service level
agreements in the contract USA Dish has signed with Echostar.
If anyone needs a service call, please contact First Properties and
document your service request. Email or call Loretta Wheeler and have her
document the service request, the date and time, how many subsequent calls
were placed, any problems that were encountered, and when the service
request ticket was closed.
I know from personal experience how bad the customer service can be with
USA Dish. I went for over four weeks without satellite service or
customer service. I placed five phone calls a day for a four week period
until I got results.
- two calls to USA Dish
- two calls to Echostar Corporate
- one call to First Properties
Eventually I got results. My advice to others... don't give up!
As soon as we find a way out of the contract, or once the contract expires
(which ever comes first), I promise that we'll have some new options lined
Contact Information:
Loretta Wheeler - First Properties
Michael E. Rutkowski - First Properties (President)
There will be more "official" information from the board of directors
pending review of the contract.
Best regards,
- Chris
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