Subject: Re: HVAC
From: Robin Raffel (
Date: Wed Mar 22 2006 - 07:14:42 CST
I wrote the other day that I got my heat fixed for $100, well, i tryed to turn it on yesterday and it didnt work again. now i am getting frustrated. i cant keep spending $100 every other week. WHat do you think I should do?
Calling 1st properties does not usually get me very far.
robin 713
Amit Patel <> wrote:
I'm in 711 and i'm having the same exact trouble. If i remember correctly. The same exact thing happened last year to many people.
Dana Parker wrote:
I apologize if this email is repeated...there were some server issues.
Not sure if this email went through earlier, but we are having the same
issues and it's been a few weeks. It does seem strange that a lot of us are
experiencing the same issues...and we all live in the same tier... 613, 713
we are in 514.
Has anybody contacted First Properties? Could it be related to the power
going down? The work they were doing on the roof?
I tried to find the reset buttons...where are they located?
Dana Parker
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