Re: New pedestrian gate. Also a question

Subject: Re: New pedestrian gate. Also a question
From: Joy Ringger (
Date: Sun Apr 16 2006 - 13:11:35 CDT

I have another question...whatever happened to the lawsuit against the developer? When we had our last special assessment to cover repairs to the facade, legal fees, etc., there was talk of litigation since the work done on the building several summers ago should have been done properly by the developer.

Mary Deskovich <> wrote:
  I agree that this is welcome. Now hopefully, the swing gate won't break down as often.

Now for my question. Is anyone else alarmed that we are being asked to kick into a special assessment for a $30,000 expense (the facade inspection) that should have been anticipated and therefore built into our reserves? The letter sent by 1P cites a 2002 ordinance requiring these periodic inspections. Therefore, we have known about this for close to 4 years (and 4 budgets). I recall annual "visual" inspections as well as these 4 year "critical" inspections being considered as part of every budget since then as expected rexpenses. Or did I misunderstand the letter and the $30,000 we will pay this year is $30,000 MORE than what was anticipated and therefore, never taken into consideration when budgets were drawn up?

I understand that the East wall repairs, the swing gate and the new security system are unexpected expenses, but I am concerned that we have not been setting aside money for these inspections that were anticipated. Or if we have been setting it aside, but were not setting enough aside, from whom did we get information that led us to believe the inspection would be $30,000 less than it actually is? This $30,000 accounts for close to 60% of the special assessment.


The new pedestrian gate in swing parking gate behind the building seems
to be working nicely. Sure beats opening the swinging gate. For those
who haven't tried it yet, give it a shot. Makes life easier!!


Jim Thomas / Department of Sociology / Northern Illinois University /

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