Subject: Re: Doves
From: Jim Thomas (
Date: Mon May 08 2006 - 23:34:43 CDT
> Yes, Barb told me that the birds were going up above. I've been trying to
> watch and I did see all the busy work carrying twigs up and such. I thought
> I saw a grackle....but didn't think they would be building a nest like the
> doves.... I do have a little bird white wash on the railings but nothing
> too bad. I've stood outside and looked up trying to see where they are
> going. Is 601 vacant? I wonder if they know what's going on.
Maybe this is the type of communication best left to private email, but
I think the issues are of interest to us all. One point is how, as
neighbors, we look out for what's happening on others' balconies and offer
supportive advice. The nesting thing is kinda cool, and easly manageable.
The broader issue is our local environs. As more development occurs,
we reduce the habitat for some of the neat creatures we share the area
with. You know, like rats, mice, the homeless...but also birds, the
occasional possum, racoons, and other critters that we used to see around
the building. Of course, some might find these animals a nuisance. But,
as Deb and others have learned, it's easy to co-habit, especially if we
share our tips on how we manage, especially on the balcony.
So, if people have experiencing nesting or similar issues, maybe they
can get some pictures and we can post them on the homepage.
Jim / #501
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