Re: West Loop Development Plans

Subject: Re: West Loop Development Plans
From: Joy Ringger (
Date: Mon Jul 10 2006 - 17:56:20 CDT

So this re-zoning doesn't have anything to do with the developer who wants to build a high rise next door? The letter mentioned the address of 1238-1248 W. Jackson...changing the zone from M1-3 to B2-3. I had heard Redford was in town looking at the Fannie May building but isn't that in the 1000-1100 block of Jackson?
  I will not know until tomorrow if I can go to the meeting so whomever can make it to the meeting, let's try keep everyone informed via email.

Tom Kikta <> wrote:

I read that in Crains on Sunday, as well. I thought it was pretty cool...Although, as an architect, I hope they don't just tear the building down and put up something ugly (there's a lot of that going on in the West Loop). The old building has some nice detailing, and it fits the neighborhood. I would think they could work with the structure as it is.

Plus, it would be nice to have Mr. Redford show his face around the City once in awhile.

Thomas C. Kikta, AIA
Legat Architects

>>> 7/10/2006 4:15:01 PM >>>
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