Subject: Re: West Loop Development Plans
From: Tom Kikta (
Date: Thu Jul 13 2006 - 21:29:09 CDT
Manosh pretty much hit everything that was discussed. There are 8 units per building (as mentioned, one off-street parking spot per each unit). The buildings look pretty much like most of the three-flats going up in the area...mostly on Monroe.
Alderman Burnett shared my concern in making sure that, if the zoning gets changed, these buildings, and only these buildings will go up on the property, so he is having the developer write a covenant to the proposed zoning change saying as much. Apparently, some developers get the zoning change approved, then sell the property, and something different gets built in its place.
Anyway, that was about all. The meeting lasted all of 15 to 20 minutes...and we got free "I Support Alderman Burnett" t-shirts. I know mine will get a lot of a rag for washing my car.
Thomas C. Kikta, AIA
Legat Architects
>>> 7/13/2006 3:48 PM >>>
The meeting was in regards to the rezoning of 1238-1248 W Jackson - as Joy
mentioned in an earlier email. The developer for that property is proposing
to build (3) 3-story condos with attached parking (1 spot per unit if I
remember correctly). I'm not sure how many units are in each building...
perhaps Tom or Ed can remember. There weren't any objections to their
proposal so I suspect the project will move forward.
Apparently, Alderman Haithcock is responsible for issues regarding the
property behind our building. So there was no discussion on that property
during Tuesday nights' meeting with Alderman Burnett. I believe Ed was
trying to get in touch with Alderman Haithcock but hasn't had any luck
getting through to her.
On 7/12/06, Barbara Thomas <> wrote:
> Did anyone go to the rezoning meeting last night?
> Barbara
> 501
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