Subject: Re: Rent
Date: Fri Aug 18 2006 - 11:07:06 CDT
You'll need to contact Loretta at First Properties directly via email or
phone. Loretta is not an official participant of the Vanguard discussion
group. Here email address is as follows:
Loretta Wheeler -
Moving in and out of the building requires notification to First
Properties. They will assist you in reserving the freight elevator and
installation of the padded curtains to protect the elevator walls. FYI...
by November the new access control system will be up and running. First
Properties will schedule your move dates/times and de-activate the alarm
for the freight entrance.
Best regards,
- Chris
Phuong Do <>
Sent by:
08/18/2006 10:49 AM
Please respond to
Hi Loretta,
I am writing to inform you that I will be renting out my unit #212
(Vanguard Lofts) in November. I am not sure what paperwork needs to be
done so if you can direct me, I'd appreciate it. Also, is there a process
to reserve the back elevator for moving purposes?
Phuong Do
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