Re: Visitors' parking abuse?

Subject: Re: Visitors' parking abuse?
From: michael mccarthy (
Date: Thu Sep 28 2006 - 21:23:04 CDT

Does anyone know the case number(s) for the lawsuits
filed against the developer? I did some checking and
it appears that nothing has been filed. I think 1st
properties should make the numbers open to the OWNERS.


--- Jim Thomas <> wrote:

> This note came over from Loretta at First
> Properties. A reminder that
> overnight guest parking should be cleared with 1P.
> Jim / #501
> >This to let you know that one tan Honda car,
> license number 654 CEG with
> >Kentucky plates has been warned that since they
> havegone on record as
> >abusing the guest parking, the car can no longer be
> parked on the guest
> >parking lot or it will be towed. When I say abuse,
> the person parks
> >there all night moves the car and returns and does
> a repeat of the same
> >thing.
> >Loretta Wheeler
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> Jim Thomas / Department of Sociology / Northern
> Illinois University
> /

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