New Vanguard homepage

Subject: New Vanguard homepage
From: Jim Thomas (
Date: Wed Oct 04 2006 - 12:27:58 CDT

The Vanguard homepage is moving! You can still get to it from the
address you use now:

But you can also get to it at:

The new homepage is still a work in progress, so tell us what you
want to see, such as a list of repair people, or anything else.

The transition will be seamless, except that you will have to obtain a new
login id and password (for obvious security reasons). To obtain your
login/pw for access, contact:

    Chris Latimer:
    or Jim Thomas:

Also, don't forget the Vanguard email discussion/announcement list.
If you're not subscribed, send a note to:
to be added to it.

Jim / #501

Jim Thomas / Department of Sociology / Northern Illinois University /

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