Subject: Re: Front Door
From: Robin Raffel (
Date: Sun Jan 06 2008 - 13:09:51 CST
and all the newspapers were gone too. I went at like
10ish this morning to get my sunday paper and there
were no papers there.
what is going on here? arent we all adults?
--- Dom Shurba <> wrote:
> For the second weekend in a row the common area by
> the front elevator has been disgusting. Last
> weekend someone vomited or smeared food on the
> floor, and this morning there is another giant stain
> along with beer caps, all the newspapers on the
> floor in front of the elevator, garbage, and a
> savagely torn open package. I have suspicion that
> it may not have belonged to whomever tore it open.
> I propose all humans be required to use the back
> elevator.
> Dom 612
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