Subject: Vanguard Lofts - 2008 Pet Registration & Bicycle Registration
Date: Thu Jan 10 2008 - 16:02:57 CST
2008 Pet Registration
Per the Vanguard Lofts rules and regulations, all residents are required
to register their pets annually and pay a $50 pet registration fee for
each animal. Pet registration for 2008 will be held in the first floor
storage room on the following dates:
- January 10 from 5pm – 7pm
- January 12 from 5pm – 7pm
- January 18 from 5pm – 7pm
- January 26 from 5pm – 7pm
The pet registration form is available on the Vanguard Lofts website, or
it can be obtained from First Properties. Forms will also be available
during the specified registration dates listed above. If you
have any questions please contact Property Management or the Vanguard
Lofts Board of Managers. All pets that are found not registered after
January 31, 2008 will be subject to fines and pet registration fees per
the Vanguard Lofts rules and regulations. Please ensure your pets are
registered for 2008.
2008 Pet Registration Form:
2008 Bicycle Registration
Per the Vanguard Lofts rules and regulations, all residents are required
to register their bicycles. Any bicycles found in the storage room without
proper registration and tags will be removed and
discarded. All units are entitled to the use of one bike hook in the
bike/storage room on a first come, first serve basis. Additional bike
hooks may be available to unit owners upon request and/or availability on
a first come, first serve basis. Bicycle registration for 2008 will be
held in the first floor storage room on the following dates:
- January 10 from 5pm – 7pm
- January 12 from 5pm – 7pm
- January 18 from 5pm – 7pm
- January 26 from 5pm – 7pm
If you have previously registered your bicycle with First Properties, you
are still required to verify your bike hook number and registration tag to
help us establish a base line for 2008. Please fill out the registration
form and submit it to First Properties by January 31, 2008. If a 2008
bicycle registration form is not filled out and your bicycle is discovered
during the 2008 audit, your bicycle will be removed and
discarded. Please ensure you bicycle is properly registered for 2008. The
bicycle registration form is available on the Vanguard Lofts website, or
it can be obtained from First Properties. Forms will also be available
during the specified registration dates listed above. If you have any
questions please contact Property Management or the Vanguard Lofts Board
of Managers.
2008 Bicycle Registration Form:
Best regards,
- Chris
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