Re: Rear swing gate

Subject: Re: Rear swing gate
From: Mary Deskovich (
Date: Fri Jan 11 2008 - 15:17:16 CST

On New Years Day, I had to move my son's car out of the visitor's spots (he had left it there from the night before and I didn't want to violate the 24-hour rule). I had to stop someone passing by on the street to hold the key in the "open" position in order to keep the gate open long enough. I attributed it to the weather, but evidently it's more than that.
  On another subject-I just recieved the multipage document "2007 Accomplishments and 2008 Activities". First: Why was it mailed when I have asked that communications from 1P be e-mailed to me, saving the postage? Second: Is anyone else shocked at the $900 price being quoted for the deck replacement? By my calculations, my deck uses 130 linear feet of decking. This means it is costing me almost $7/foot for the deck. That seems like an awfully high price for what I would figure a normal deck would cost.
  Jim Thomas <> wrote:
This afternoon, there was a problem with the rear swing gate. It would
open, and then immediately shut. So, be careful if you drive through.
I've contacted 1P about it.


Jim Thomas / NIU Distinguished Teaching Professor (emeritus)
Department of Sociology, Northern Illinois University /

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