Vanguard Lofts - Bike & Pet Registration for 2008

Subject: Vanguard Lofts - Bike & Pet Registration for 2008
Date: Mon Jan 14 2008 - 17:20:10 CST


Please be advised of the last two opportunities to register your
bicycle(s) and/or pet(s):

- January 18 from 5pm – 7pm in the Bike/Storage Room
- January 26 from 5pm – 7pm in the Bike/Storage Room

Upon completion of your registration you will receive a confirmation
number. The confirmation number is linked to the database and verifies
you have properly registered for 2008. If you do not have a confirmation
number, your registration has not been processed and is not confirmed.

On February 1st 2008 we will begin to audit all the bicycles stored in the
first floor storage room. Any bicycle not registered with Property
Management and the Board of Managers will be removed. It is imperative
that you register your bicycle and confirm your bicycle registration
number and bicycle hook number. All bicycles must be on a bike hook. Any
bicycle not on a bike hook will be removed from the storage room. To
date, only 19 bicycles have been registered for 2008. That means we have
approximately 40 - 50 bicycles with unconfirmed registration. If your
name does not appear on the list below, your bicycle has not been

The following people have completed the 2008 bicycle registration:

(115) Tiu, Carmelita TH56REBU 1 bike
(213) Powers, Ryan GAQAS9AW 2 bikes
(301) Lattimer, Christian KEQA84DR 1 bike
(305) Lane, Derek RAC7PEH5 1 bike
(312) Kurek, Edward THA6EMUR 1 bike
(403) Jones, Linda C5EDATHE 2 bike
(405) Moy, Michael SUT3BEU9 2 bikes
(408) Efimova, Elena / Oley Chaga T4ACHA3E 1 bike
(501) Thomas, Jim XAZ9QASE 1 bike
(514) Parker, David 24HAPRAF 2 bikes
(612) Shurba, Domiano 8REC5AST 1 bike
(614) Deskovich, Mary JEPH3SE5 1 bike
(709) Kikta, Thomas QE8RAHEX 1 bike
(712) Butterfield, Jeremy STUPU85U 1 bike
(1B) Simmons, Zach FANE7R53 1 bike

On February 1st 2008 we will begin to track down pet owners with animals
that are not registered. Owners who do not register their pets for 2008
and pay the $50 per animal pet registration feel will be subject to fines
per the Vanguard Lofts rules and regulations. To date, only 6 pets have
been registered. If your name does not appear on the list below, your pet
has not been registered.

The following people have completed the 2008 pet registration:

(115) Tiu, Carmelita TH3DECH5 1 pet
(304) Peterman, Michael ZUS3ZE5H 1 pet
(405) Moy, Michael QUFE4R5N 1 pet
(408) Efimova, Elena / Oley Chaga TUR5VEVE 1 pet
(612) Shurba, Domiano G4ZAST2B 1 pet
(701) John, Manosh TA4RETHA 1 pet

If you are unable to register on the dates provided, you are responsible
for obtaining the registration forms and returning them to Property
Management (Joe Lara) or the Board of Managers by 1/31/2008. For your
convenience, all forms are available on the Vanguard Lofts website.

If you have any questions, please contact the Board of Managers or
Property Management as soon as possible.

Best regards,
- Chris

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