FW: Vanguard Lofts - Bike & Pet Registration for 2008 (time change)

Subject: FW: Vanguard Lofts - Bike & Pet Registration for 2008 (time change)
From: MARZENA SKOSZKIEWICZ (marysia17@hotmail.com)
Date: Fri Jan 25 2008 - 19:50:11 CST

Question about pets registration...Should I register my cat? If yes, why registration fee as the same as for a dog, my pet don't go outside!
> To: vanguard-talk@venus.soci.niu.edu> Subject: Vanguard Lofts - Bike & Pet Registration for 2008 (time change)> From: christian.a.lattimer@jpmchase.com> Date: Fri, 25 Jan 2008 15:24:33 -0600> > All,> > Please be advised of the last opportunity to register your bicycle(s) > and/or pet(s). Please note, the time has been moved up by one hour:> > - January 26 from 4pm – 6pm in the Bike/Storage Room> > Upon completion of your registration you will receive a confirmation > number. The confirmation number is linked to the database and verifies > you have properly registered for 2008. If you do not have a confirmation > number, your registration has not been processed and is not confirmed.> > On February 1st 2008 we will begin to audit all the bicycles stored in the > first floor storage room. Any bicycle not registered with Property > Management and the Board of Managers will be removed. It is imperative > that you register your bicycle and confirm your bicycle registration > number and bicycle hook number. All
 bicycles must be on a bike hook. Any > bicycle not on a bike hook will be removed from the storage room. To > date, only 31 bicycles have been registered for 2008. That means we have > approximately 40 bicycles with unconfirmed registration. If your name > does not appear on the list below, your bicycle has NOT been registered.> > The following people have completed the 2008 bicycle registration:> > (109) Vild, Mark 1 bike FUBRU99N> (115) Tiu, Carmelita 1 bike TH56REBU> (205) Corbett, William 2 bikes ZENA3UPR> (213) Powers, Ryan 2 bikes GAQAS9AW> (215) Gaynor Jr., George 1 bike 2HAD3WRA> (301) Lattimer, Christian 1 bike KEQA84DR> (305) Lane, Derek 1 bike RAC7PEH5> (312) Kurek, Edward 1 bike THA6EMUR> (402) DeSomer, David 1 bike PR2JUFRU> (403) Jones, Linda 2 bikes C5EDATHE> (405) Moy, Michael 2 bikes SUT3BEU9> (408) Oley Chaga 1 bikes T4ACHA3E> (408) Victor Chaga 1 bike TUTEG3VA> (501) Thomas, Jim 1 bike XAZ9QASE> (508) Wolf, Jason 2 bikes WRUZUCR4> (514) Parker, David 2 bikes 24HAPRAF> (608) Forman, Elizab
eth 1 bike PHU2HUCA> (612) Shurba, Domiano 1 bike 8REC5AST> (614) Deskovich, Mary 1 bike JEPH3SE5> (705) Bata, Rob 2 bikes N9TH4FUW> (709) Kikta, Thomas 1 bike QEX8RAHEX> (712) Butterfield, Jeremy 1 bike STUPU85U> (713) Raffel, Robin 1 bike QE8RAHEX> (1B) Simmons, Zach 1 bike FANE7R53> > On February 1st 2008 we will begin to track down pet owners with animals > that are not registered. Owners who do not register their pets for 2008 > and pay the $50 per animal pet registration feel will be subject to fines > per the Vanguard Lofts rules and regulations. To date, only 9 pets have > been registered. If your name does not appear on the list below, your pet > has not been registered.> > The following people have completed the 2008 pet registration:> > (115) Tiu, Carmelita 1 pet TH3DECH5> (205) Corbett, William 1 pet PHEDRE4R> (304) Peterman, Michael 1 pet ZUS3ZE5H> (405) Moy, Michael 1 pet QUFE4R5N> (408) Oley Chaga 1 pet TUR5VEVE> (508) Wolf, Jason 1 pet TH2WRUW2> (612) Shurba, Domiano 1 pet G4ZAST2B> (701) Joh
n, Manosh 1 pet TA4RETHA> (713) Raffel, Robin 1 pet BUSTU9EJ> > If you are unable to register on the date provided, you are responsible > for obtaining the registration forms and returning them to Property > Management (Joe Lara) or the Board of Managers by 1/31/2008. For your > convenience, all forms are available on the Vanguard Lofts website.> > If you have any questions, please contact the Board of Managers or > Property Management as soon as possible.> > Best regards,> - Chris> > -----------------------------------------> This communication is for informational purposes only. It is not> intended as an offer or solicitation for the purchase or sale of> any financial instrument or as an official confirmation of any> transaction. All market prices, data and other information are not> warranted as to completeness or accuracy and are subject to change> without notice. Any comments or statements made herein do not> necessarily reflect those of JPMorgan Chase & Co., its subsidiaries> and affiliates.> > This tr
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