Re: Vanguard Loft appreciation question

Subject: Re: Vanguard Loft appreciation question
From: genevieve sanchez (
Date: Mon Mar 03 2008 - 08:31:30 CST

  I would keep it and rent it out i have owned my unit for 8 yrs and the pass 4 yrs it has been rented out with great tenants. I have used North Cylbourn Group, Apt People & Craigslists etc.

Zach Simmons <> wrote:
  Dear Neighbors,
I'm writing to ask your advise. My new position is forcing me to relocate
this summer. While I have enjoyed the last 5 years, my time at Vanguard
lofts will be drawing to a close. This of course raises the question of
what I should do with my condo. Do I sell or rent it out? As you all know
there is a great deal of local development, especially with the West Loop
Promenade being delivered in 12-18 months. I was wondering what people's
thoughts were regarding appreciation in the building. Basically, I'm trying
to decide if I should rent it out for 1-2 years to speculate on an increase.

I would appreciate any thoughts/opinions.

Best Regards,



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