Re: Vanguard Loft appreciation question

Subject: Re: Vanguard Loft appreciation question
Date: Mon Mar 03 2008 - 09:54:47 CST

I wouldn't recommend waiting for the market to turnaround unless you are willing to hold on to the place for quite a few years to come. The midwest has not really been hit yet like the rest of the country. So either we won't get hit or the worse is yet to come. With the policies we are adapting we could be in for a long 10 year turnaround time frame. Compare our ecomonic policies to those of Japan some years ago. I would caution on renting just tol hold out for a real-estate turnaround that you expect in maybe 2 year period. But holding on to it and renting is not a bad idea.
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-----Original Message-----
From: Robin Raffel <>

Date: Mon, 3 Mar 2008 07:12:37
Subject: Re: Vanguard Loft appreciation question

I would rent it also. I just got my place reappraised
and it went down $20,000 in 2 years. I would wait
until the market picks up again to see it.
--- genevieve sanchez <>

> Zach,
> I would keep it and rent it out i have owned my
> unit for 8 yrs and the pass 4 yrs it has been rented
> out with great tenants. I have used North Cylbourn
> Group, Apt People & Craigslists etc.
> Genevieve
> Zach Simmons <> wrote:
> Dear Neighbors,
> I'm writing to ask your advise. My new position is
> forcing me to relocate
> this summer. While I have enjoyed the last 5 years,
> my time at Vanguard
> lofts will be drawing to a close. This of course
> raises the question of
> what I should do with my condo. Do I sell or rent it
> out? As you all know
> there is a great deal of local development,
> especially with the West Loop
> Promenade being delivered in 12-18 months. I was
> wondering what people's
> thoughts were regarding appreciation in the
> building. Basically, I'm trying
> to decide if I should rent it out for 1-2 years to
> speculate on an increase.
> I would appreciate any thoughts/opinions.
> Best Regards,
> Zach
> ---------------------------------
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