Dogs (Please help us keep the building and surrounding areas nice)

Subject: Dogs (Please help us keep the building and surrounding areas nice)
From: Jason Wolf (
Date: Thu Mar 06 2008 - 13:26:52 CST

Good afternoon.

Everyone please observe a level of courtesy toward your neighbors with
regard to your dogs. Several times over the past few weeks I have observed
several individuals letting their dogs urniate inside the gated areas near
the building. As a dog owner I understand that they often have minds of
their own but with some training and discipline you can break them of this.

That being said I also took the liberty of picking up someones dog feces
which was right in the middle of the walkway this morning. Please remember
your dog is your responsibilty so please clean up after it. No one should
have to step over poo to go to work.

Lastly, please be sure to pick up after your dog outside. I know the past
couple of months have been cold and we all have wanted to get back in
quickly, but the Throop grassy area is a virtual mine field from those who
have not cleaned up.

Please be courteous and responsible, because I dont want to us as the board
to be put in a position where we will have to begin extending fines for
something this trivial...besides its OUR home so lets keep it a nice and
inviting place to live.


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