Re: Dogs (Please help us keep the building and surrounding areas nice)

Subject: Re: Dogs (Please help us keep the building and surrounding areas nice)
Date: Fri Mar 07 2008 - 17:09:35 CST

If anyone has taken the time to watch the trash pickup, it's evident that
the individual driving the truck and picking up the trash is not concerned
about the small pieces of loose debris that fall on the service drive. In
all honestly, I have never seen anyone driving a trash truck take the time
to "sweep" up loose debris that may or may not fall off the truck. The
waste management service is paid to haul away the trash, and most likely
that is all they will ever do.

Julio should be cleaning up the service drive if there is a mess left over
after a trash pickup. But the major issue that I see is a scheduling
conflict. Julio is on site in the morning hours. The trash pickup
usually occurs in the afternoon or evening hours... sometimes as late as
7pm. Any loose debris that falls off the truck will sit in the service
drive until the next morning.

I applaud Dom's efforts in trying to keep the service drive clean. If we
could only get more residents to volunteer and help out around the
building (a.k.a. "our home"). Dom, I extend a personal thank you for all
your hard work. You do a great service to all the residents and pets in
the building.

The Board will make sure that First Properties is instructed to issue work
orders to Julio about cleaning the service drive. Please keep in mind,
Julio has a set schedule. He is on site every morning. The trash truck
comes whenever it shows up, and the person dumping and hauling the trash
will most likely never sweep the service drive.

Brooms dust pans, and trash tongs are available to all residents willing
to volunteer help keep the service drive clean. All tools are stored
under the steps in the parking garage. If there is need for additional
tools, please let the Board know ASAP. I will make sure the necessary
tools are obtained immediately.

FYI... we have recently installed a new key switch on the electric slide
gate onto Gladys so all residents have a second option for exiting the
gated area behind the building. The key switch works on the common area
key just like the key switch on the electric swing gate for the service
drive off Throop.

In regards to pets "doing their business" inside the gated area, this is a
violation of the Vanguard Lofts rules and regulations. The new security
cameras that monitor the service drive should be installed soon and we
will rectify this problem.

Best regards,
- Chris
Sent by:
03/07/2008 04:37 PM
Please respond to


Re: Dogs (Please help us keep the building and surrounding areas nice)

Dom - Thank you for cleaning up the left over garbage in the drive way.
You probably saved a couple of car tires from broken glass. Jay, I think
we should politely ask our garbage man to sweep the remains off to the's their responsibility.
Dana Parker #514

----- Original Message ----
From: Jason Wolf <>
To: Dom Shurba <>
Cc:;; Condo Board
Sent: Friday, March 7, 2008 4:27:48 PM
Subject: Re: Dogs (Please help us keep the building and surrounding areas


Well put. I'll try and do my part as well. If you have any
suggestions or
think there is something I can do as a board member...let me
know and I'll
try to help in any way I can.


On 3/7/08, Dom Shurba <> wrote:
> Jay
> Lets identify the pieces of crap, pun intended, who feel they
 can leave
> poop all over the parkway. Blanket warnings are not going to
> anything. If it is from this building, then it is the work
of very small
> group if not one person. We went through the same thing when
 we kept
> hearing about people using the front door. I think the video
 showed it was
> one maybe two people. I believe they were confronted, and I
haven't heard
> about that since. Also, a lot more dogs are coming through
here from the
> 1224 building since they have no grass of their own. I would
 think that it
> would be easy to identify a dog from there and confront them
 as well.
> And another thing.....Do the people who don't like to step in
 poo on their
> way out the door enjoy stepping in rotting garbage and broken
 glass? The
> garbage truck leaves a large pile EVERY single time it comes.
  I am sick and
> tired of walking myself and my dog across the debris field.
Sharp broken
> glass and lots of rotten food is disgusting and unhealthy.
Either there is
> something wrong with their trucks or our dumpsters. I make an
 effort to
> sweep it up when I can as does the janitor type guy, but it
> unnecessary.
> Dom -612 - dog owner
> ----------------------------------------
> > Date: Thu, 6 Mar 2008 13:26:52 -0600
> > From:
> > To:
> > Subject: Dogs (Please help us keep the building and
surrounding areas
> nice)
> > CC:
> >
> > Good afternoon.
> >
> > Everyone please observe a level of courtesy toward your
neighbors with
> > regard to your dogs. Several times over the past few weeks
 I have
> observed
> > several individuals letting their dogs urniate inside the
gated areas
> near
> > the building. As a dog owner I understand that they often
 have minds of
> > their own but with some training and discipline you can
break them of
> this.
> >
> > That being said I also took the liberty of picking up
someones dog feces
> > which was right in the middle of the walkway this morning.
> remember
> > your dog is your responsibilty so please clean up after it.
  No one
> should
> > have to step over poo to go to work.
> >
> > Lastly, please be sure to pick up after your dog outside.
I know the
> past
> > couple of months have been cold and we all have wanted to
 get back in
> > quickly, but the Throop grassy area is a virtual mine field
 from those
> who
> > have not cleaned up.
> >
> > Please be courteous and responsible, because I dont want to
 us as the
> board
> > to be put in a position where we will have to begin
extending fines for
> > something this trivial...besides its OUR home so lets keep
it a nice and
> > inviting place to live.
> >
> > Jay
> > 508
> >
> >
> >
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