Subject: Re: Installment Payments for Balconies
Date: Tue Mar 11 2008 - 13:06:41 CST
A letter from Property Management was sent out on February 14, 2008 that
answered all these questions. The following is text extracted directly
from the letter sent to all unit owners.
Limited Common Elements – All balconies are considered "limited common
elements", thus a pass through charge to each unit owner with a balcony is
required to finance the cost of repairs. Unit owners on the first floor
do not have balconies and are exempt.
Decking Material - The decking material will be replaced with a either a
board made out of a composite material, or treated lumber.
Cost - The price for repairs to each balcony is estimated at $750.00 and
is to be paid by the unit owner via assessments. (Units with two
balconies will be required to pay $1500.)
Exceptions - Any unit owner who has performed a "total" replacement of all
decking material and nailers in the last two years can qualify for an
exemption from the project upon passing an inspection with certified
approval from the Board of Managers and Property Management.
Installment Payments – The Board of Managers has approved a payment plan
of three incremental installments. The first installment payment of $250
will be due on 3/15/2008, the second installment payment of $250 will be
due on 4/15/2008, and the final installment will be due on 5/15. The cost
of the last payment is estimated to be $250, but the actual charge will be
sent in a letter to the unit owner.
Please note, the balcony repairs are tentatively scheduled to begin on
5/1/2008, and should take 4 to 6 weeks to complete, weather permitting.
Please remove all furniture, grilles & plants from your deck to allow for
the completion of this work.
Owners will be advised of the work schedule as soon as it has been
We are asking owners to pay for this work before completion. If this
payment timetable presents a hardship please contact me as soon as
Sent by:
03/11/2008 01:17 PM
Please respond to
"Vanguard Lofts Listserv" <>
Re: Installment Payments for Balconies
Is it individual costs or 900 for everyone?
Sent from my BlackBerry® wireless device
-----Original Message-----
From: Robin Raffel <>
Date: Tue, 11 Mar 2008 11:00:16
Subject: Re: Installment Payments for Balconies
How do we know how much to send if we don't know
exactly how much our individual balcony is going to
--- Allison Prybylo <> wrote:
> What are the three dates the installment payments
> are due for the balconies? Also, where are we to
> send the payment?
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