Re: Guest Parking Rental

Subject: Re: Guest Parking Rental
From: Jim Thomas (
Date: Fri May 02 2008 - 22:52:35 CDT

> As long as they are paying for the keypads and the code given to
>their customers changes weekly, it seems like a good idea to me.

This is a good point and helps frame the discussion. At the meeting
this coming Weds (May 7, 7 pm in the storage room), maybe people could
send over the questions they'd like to have address with the
representative from IGo:

From some comments posted publicly and a few private ones I've received,
pro and con:

--On balance, how much revenue will we gain from steady IGo annual
income compared with periodic short-term rental of the spaces by owners?

--Will the revenue gained from IGo be sufficient to be significant?

--There have been a few owner rentals of the spaces in the past year.
Although minimal, does it signify a possible trend in more owner
activity in renting the spaces?

--Does the amenity of having extra parking places avaialable in need
make up for any addititional revenue from IGo?

--Will having IGo available so conveniently, just a few steps away,
encourage owners to use and and thereforeto drive less, provide a
different kind of amenity, and add to the quality of our lives?

--What security issues might we face?

--Will there be significant wear/tear on the entry/exit gates?

--Will we have to re-key the south gate to allow easier exit, since
there is not currently an easy way to exit through the south gate when

--What liability issues does IGo face if their clients do damage to
other cars or the gate(s)?

What other questions should be asked?


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