Re: Balconies ahead of schedule--

Subject: Re: Balconies ahead of schedule--
Date: Thu May 22 2008 - 22:08:25 CDT


I'm on the north side and want to use my balcony this weekend. I will clear it before Monday. I assume this will be safe to do?

Ron 702
Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry

-----Original Message-----
From: Jim Thomas <>

Date: Thu, 22 May 2008 21:56:50
To:Vanguard Lofts Listserv <>
Subject: Balconies ahead of schedule--

Some owners on the north west corner of the building were caught
off guard a bit with the news that the *01 units should have their
balconies cleared a few days early, because scaffolding is being moved
to the north side and replacement will begin Friday (May 23). Alpine
is a few days ahead of schedule, so residents on the north side should
be prepared to clear the balconies next week. We can't give a precise
time-table at this time, but assume that you balcony replacement will
be about five days ahead of schedule (at this time).

That's great news!!

When your balcony is completed, BE SURE TO CHECK THE WORK! There is
a summary of what to look for posted on the memorandums in the
elevators. If you're still not sure, contact the board, and one of us
can try to schedule a time to check out your unit. The post-replacement
inspection should be done immediately, while Alpine is still on-site.

You might also consider taking a picture of the replacement, "just in


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