Subject: RE: USA Dish complaints?
From: Jim Thomas (
Date: Wed May 28 2008 - 21:47:42 CDT
Dave, thanks for that information. I'll send you private email in
a more detailed response. A few others have raised billing and
similar issues who haven't followed up with us on whether there
has been a resolution. If anybody has a billing issues like Dave's
that can be documented, please let the Board know.
On Wed, 28 May 2008, Dave DeSomer wrote:
> Yes, I have a big problem. In early April I was
> actually able to get a hold of Roddy. I told him I
> wanted to purchase a HD DVR. Figuring I was very
> lucky to be speaking to him, I gave him my credit card
> number over the phone and my credit card was charged
> for the very expensive HD DVR on April 5, 2008. I
> still do not have this HD DVR. I've called him
> approximately 10 times since. The last time I called
> was yesterday and I left a message. On two occasions
> he did answer the phone and told me I was at the top
> of the list and he would call me back, which he never
> did.
> Dave
> 402
> --- jonathan sweeney <>
> wrote:
>> Jim,
>> I have been trying to contact him since May 1st. By
>> phone I either get the answering service or his
>> mailbox is full and I can do nothing. I have also
>> emailed him but again no response.
>> Jonathan
>> 604
>>> Date: Tue, 27 May 2008 17:42:34 -0500
>>> From:
>>> To:
>>> Subject: USA Dish complaints?
>>> We have had another complaint about Roddy/USA
>> Dish. Have those who
>>> complained a few weeks ago been able to get ahold
>> of him yet? Has
>>> anybody had him to their unit after about May 6?
>> We'd appreciate an
>>> update if anybody has one.
>>> Jim
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Jim Thomas
NIU Distinguished Teaching Professor (emeritus)
Department of Sociology, Northern Illinois University
Adjunct Professor, Criminal Justice, Univerisity of Illinois/Chicago /
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