RE: power outage

Subject: RE: power outage
From: Mike (
Date: Sun Jun 08 2008 - 22:18:57 CDT

It is way too hot and humid in the hallways. I've notice a few potential buyer in the hallway and elevator, the one in the elevator asked if it was always this hot

-----Original Message-----
From: Dom Shurba <>
Sent: Sunday, June 08, 2008 9:26 PM
Subject: power outage

I noticed all the exit lights on the sixth floor did not work and some emergency lights in the back stairwell were out as well. If those were out, I'm sure others in the building were out as well. The battery back ups are dead.

On another note I've noticed there is no a/c in the hallway. I know in summers past it was like a meat locker out there. I don't really care either way, but just thought I would bring it up.

Dom 612
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