Subject: Big Skyz Internet - Investigation & Results
Date: Mon Jun 09 2008 - 11:36:46 CDT
Due to all the recent problems with Big Skyz internet at Vanguard Lofts, I
decided to do some investigation to see exactly what Roddy and his
technician have been up too. Roddy has told everyone that Big Skyz is
currently performing upgrades in the building. This is not entirely true.
From what I have uncovered, it appears that Big Skyz has dropped their
Internet Service Provider, and changed over to a new wireless provider.
(This was most likely done as a cost savings measure.) The old provider
delivered internet service via a T1 high speed data line to the building.
The T1 was delivered to the building via copper wire and runs tandem with
the telecommunication wiring in the building.
Basically, Roddy purchases the T1 line and then re-sells the bandwidth to
users in the building at a price that he determines. After a few users
sign up for Big Skyz internet Roddy breaks even by recovering his costs
for the high speed T1 line. Any users that sign up for Big Skyz after
that is pure profit.
The new service provider for Big Skyz internet is a wireless company. What
does this means... there is no T1 line. Roddy has installed an antenna on
the roof that communicates with a wireless internet service provider
somewhere in the downtown area. If you are a Big Skyz internet customer,
your internet traffic is being sent across a wireless link from the roof
of the building to a location somewhere unknown. Roddy has provided no
information on the security of this wireless link. If you are concerned
about your personal information, I would suggest you contact Roddy and
inquire about the security of the wireless link. If this is a reputable
wireless internet service provider, Roddy should be able to give you all
the information so you can verify the security. Without knowing who is
behind the wireless link you have no way of knowing if this wireless link
is safe and secure. Until you have verified this information, I would be
cautious of using Big Skyz internet for any personal banking, financial
transactions, etc.
The wireless system that has been installed uses a Motorola Canopy 5700SM
radio that has a typical aggregate useful throughput of 7 Mbps. The
Motorola Canopy 5700SM is connected to a Cisco 1720 router. I did some
checking and the Cisco equipment is now obsolete. On February 1, 2003 it
was announced that the Cisco 1720 Modular Access Router is end-of-life.
This means Big Skyz internet is using infrastructure components that no
longer under warranty or supported. Cisco only offers technical support
on this device until August 1, 2008.
To sum it up, Big Skyz (Roddy) has not performed any sort of "upgrade" to
the infrastructure in the building. It appears the recent internet
"outage" occurred due to removal of the T1 line that delivers internet
service to the building. The internet service provider for Big Skyz has
been switch to a wireless provider. Please keep in mind, Big Skyz (Roddy)
did not notify any customers of the outage due to a change in service
providers and back end equipment. Unless you complain to Roddy about your
internet outage, he will most likely continue to bill you the full amount
for your internet service.
What you can expect with the new wireless back end providing internet
service to Big Skyz:
- reduced bandwidth due to various weather conditions effecting the
wireless signal
- reduced bandwidth as the Big Skyz user load increases
- unknown security of the wireless link
- poor customer service
If you are a Big Skyz customer, I highly suggest you consider dropping the
service and switching to DSL service from AT&T. You will get far better
customer service, equipment that is fully supported, and improved
bandwidth. Bottom line... faster and more reliable internet for less
For the record, Vanguard Lofts is NOT under contract with Big Skyz
internet. Residents are free and clear to choose their own internet
service provider. If you choose to drop Big Skyz, call your credit card
company and cancel the charges.
Best regards,
- Chris
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