Subject: RE: Response to Board from Roddy
From: Deborah Compagner (
Date: Wed Jun 11 2008 - 10:58:29 CDT
Hi Jim,
I lcalled and eft a message on his machine (the number for Tom who's supposed to deal w/billing...whom I haven't yet heard back from), cancelling my service w/them...more of a (please) non-service call than a service call.Deborah510
> Date: Wed, 11 Jun 2008 10:42:56 -0500> From:> To:> Subject: Response to Board from Roddy> > > Roddy responded to Chris. He claims that he has essentially resolved> all the service issues. By his count, there weren't many service> calls to make. Let us know if his math adds up and if he has, in> fact, resolved all of the service calls.> > (We don't know why he uses the name "Gretchen Gilmore" as his email> name)> > Jim> > ---------- Forwarded message ----------> Date: Wed, 11 Jun 2008 10:55:57 -0400> From: Gretchen Gilmore <>> To:> Cc: Condo Board <>,> Subject: Re: REPLY---Internet Service At Vanguard Lofts---6 June 2008> > Roddy Glenn < > wrote--> > Dear Chris:> > I have been communicating thru Jason Lefkowitz. The internet issues are complete> (with exception of one or two residents whom Saulius has tried to schedule a visit).> > The two Dish service calls
have been resolved; a 3rd has not responded to our calls.> Installation in Unit 708 will be completed when Dish receiver comes in. The receiver> was ordered last week (it has not arrived). Please direct service calls to local number> first---630-539-1154, if office unable to respond, they' ll give forwarding phone number.> > Regards, Roddy>
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