Re: Lobby Renovation

Subject: Re: Lobby Renovation
From: Robin Raffel (
Date: Thu Jun 12 2008 - 11:56:24 CDT

are residents allowed to keep stuff in the hallways
for an indefinate period of time?
i have called donna to say that there has been a box
outside of 701 for about 2 months.

--- "Stankos, Brian" <>

> Residents,
> The lobby renovation project is currently in the
> design stage. One
> concept of this renovation is to remove the drywall
> walls in the lobby
> and expose the brick masonry like we have throughout
> the rest of the
> building. One concern we have is the condition of
> this masonry. So in
> the next few days, our painter will be cutting
> exploratory holes in the
> lobby so we can see the masonry behind the drywall.
> These holes will be
> open for a week or so, and then they will be patched
> until the lobby is
> renovated. So don't be alarmed if you see the holes
> appear in the next
> few days.

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