Subject: Re: Big Skyz Internet - Investigation & Results
Date: Tue Jun 17 2008 - 13:49:18 CDT
But your network connection is local in your unit right? This would seem like your network (router) in your house is is having problems which would not be a BigSkyz issue. Try to reset it first... Make sure if you have an encryption key enabled I do not believe Tivo supposrts WPA so you will need to use WEP. I am assuming you have Tivo Series 2 since series three does not have IR blasters and so will not work with satellite boxes to approproately change the channels.
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-----Original Message-----
From: Jennifer Kalchbrenner <>
Date: Tue, 17 Jun 2008 13:32:52
Subject: RE: Big Skyz Internet - Investigation & Results
No, I can't access my Tivo or the internet. I can find my name on the network lists, but the actual internet is not working.
> To:> Subject: Re: Big Skyz Internet - Investigation & Results> From:> Date: Tue, 17 Jun 2008 14:44:38 +0000> > > Are you saying Tivo can't connect to the remote Tivo server but you can access your Tivo from your computer? If so can your computer access or anything else?> > > Sent from my BlackBerry® wireless device> > -----Original Message-----> From: Jennifer Kalchbrenner <>> > Date: Tue, 17 Jun 2008 09:37:20 > To:<>> Subject: RE: Big Skyz Internet - Investigation & Results> > > My internet has also not been working recently. I have a wireless connection and although I can see my network on my computer and TV (my Tivo is hooked up through my internet), it is not connecting. Has anyone else with wireless been experiencing this problem since the changed the wires?> > I called the 630 number yesterday to report the problem and it sounded like someone picke!
d up , and then immediately hung up. I called back and got the machine where I left a message but have not heard back yet. I also tried the 269 number, but got the "mailbox is full" message". I will keep the board posted on my attempts/if I hear anything back so we can keep it for the buildings records.Jenny #706> > > > > Date: Mon, 9 Jun 2008 16:48:15 -0500> From:> To:> Subject: RE: Big Skyz Internet - Investigation & Results> > > > I would like to cancel my internet service and just called my credit card company, who said I must first contact and cancel w/Big Sky. I'm traveling and don't have Roddy's number w/me - can someone please forward it?> > Things are a bit confusing -- Roddy changed his USA Dish/Big Skyz> number to a Michigan exchange: 269-759-8819> > He told us to call this new number, *not* the old one, and there was a> message on the old number to call the 269 number. > One owner just reported that she final!
ly got through to Roddy for a> billing question and to cancel Big Skyz
. She was told to call the> *old* number, which she did, and Tom Gordon, Roddy's ass't, answered.> > Start with the 269 number and see what happens.> > Did those with Big Skyz have a partial bill for April? An owner> reported today that the April bill w!> as about $17.60 or so, compared with> about $23. Check the charges on your bills.> > Jim> > _________________________________________________________________> Earn cashback on your purchases with Live Search - the search that pays you back!>> > >
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