Subject: RE: Final Balcony Payment
Date: Wed Jun 18 2008 - 14:53:07 CDT
Before we start posting statements like this... did you measure the length
of the screws that were used on the installation of all the balconies with
the problems? And did you write the specification for the fasteners used
in this project? How do you know the root cause of the problems reported
is short screws? Have you personally investigated these balconies? I
wouldn't make any assumptions like this based on what we've seen in a few
Naturally in a project of this scale and magnitude there will be a few
items that need to be rectified in a final punch list. If you do have
evidence of short fasteners being used by the construction company, please
report your findings to the board and the project manager. Contractors
have been known to cut corners, but I don't believe this is the case for
the few loose boards that have been reported. It's more likely a case of
the contractor installing a screw and missing the nailer below, thus the
board isn't fully secure.
- Chris
"Thomas Long" <>
Sent by:
06/18/2008 02:25 PM
Please respond to
RE: Final Balcony Payment
It appears from the several emails from residents that the contractor used
screws that were too short and that now the boards are popping up. If
is the case, then every balcony will need to again be repaired. The final
payment to the contractor should be held until the work is completed
Tom Long
Unit 704
-----Original Message-----
[] On Behalf Of Stankos,
Sent: Wednesday, June 18, 2008 1:31 PM
Subject: Final Balcony Payment
The Board of Directors is pleased to announce that the balcony project
is complete, with the exception of a few punchlist items. Alpine will
be on site on this Saturday and next Saturday to complete the punchlist.
The project was completed for less than the original budget of $750 per
balcony. The final cost was $701.25 per balcony.
The remaining balcony payment of $201.25 per balcony will be due from
residents on July 14th, 2008. A memo from First Properties will be
issued regarding the final payment as a reminder. Please note that the
final payment should be submitted as a check; direct debit can only
deduct assessments. Also, late fees will begin to incur after 7/14, so
make sure you submit payment by that date to avoid any fees.
Thanks for your patience during the construction.
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