RE: Next Board/Owners meeting: July 2

Subject: RE: Next Board/Owners meeting: July 2
From: Dom Shurba (
Date: Thu Jun 19 2008 - 13:07:43 CDT

Take it easy, I'm not questioning anyone's judgement. I did not know the nailers were considered in good shape. One of the installers stated that some of them were bad. I'm sure Brian is a excellent architect, and he is handling my issue very professionally.

> Date: Wed, 18 Jun 2008 18:42:51 -0500
> From:
> To:;;;;
> Subject: RE: Next Board/Owners meeting: July 2
> The replacement of the wood nailers was discussed at several of the
> recent board meetings as well as in e-mail form on the message board.
> It was explained that the wood nailers were not in bad shape, and would
> therefore remain in place. If I remember right, this eliminated a
> considerable amount of cost from the project; I heard no complaints when
> this was brought up. To come back now after the project is nearly
> complete and question why the nailers were not replaced is really quite
> ludicrous.
> As Brian indicated, the likely culprit is a screw hitting an existing
> hole. Of the 100 or so screw fasteners in my balcony, 1 screw fastener
> is popping. This happens in construction, and it will be fixed. As an
> architect, Brian deals with this kind of thing on a daily basis. I'm
> sure neither he, nor the rest of the board will approve a final payment
> to the contractor until all known punchlist items have been addressed.
> Tom Kikta
> 709
> Thomas Kikta, AIA
> 651 W. Washington Blvd., Suite One
> Chicago, Illinois 60661
> Direct: 312.756.1250
> Cell: 847.567.9595
> E-Mail:
> Sustainability - Performance - Design
>>>> Dom Shurba 6/18/2008 4:43 PM>>>
> I have one board loose. The screws are long enough. I fear the wood
> underneath is bad. Is there a reason that wasn't replaced?
> Dom 612> From:> To:;
>;> Subject: RE: Next
> Board/Owners meeting: July 2> Date: Wed, 18 Jun 2008 08:40:21 -0500>>>
> I had one come loose as well.> Mike 405>> -----Original Message----->
> From:>
> [] On Behalf Of>
>> Sent: Wednesday, June 18, 2008 12:07 AM> To:
>> Subject: Re: Next Board/Owners meeting: July
> 2>> On Sunday, after it rained, i noticed one of the balcony wood
> pieces was> loose. as if it need to be hammered down or a nail came
> out. who do I> talk to> about this. who is doing the repairs. can some
> one get back with me>> God Bless!!> Brenda Reese> unit 211>>>>
> *************!
> *Gas prices getting you down? Search AOL Autos for> fuel-efficient
> used cars.> (>>>>
> _________________________________________________________________
> The i’m Talkathon starts 6/24/08. For now, give amongst yourselves.

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