Re: Sealing / Staining Balconies

Subject: Re: Sealing / Staining Balconies
From: Derek Lane (
Date: Mon Jun 30 2008 - 14:14:17 CDT


I'll take you up on your offer? When can you come on by and stain & seal?


Jason Wolf <> wrote: Good afternoon.

Now that the balcony project is complete it is probably a good idea for
everyone to seal the new wood on their balcony to increase the longevity of
the treated lumber that was used. It is not required that you do this, but
it is suggested.

In addition to protecting the wood, using a tinted sealer can have a great
asthetic affect. ( is always a good idea inform your neighbors below you ahead of
time when you are doing this type of work so that they can cover their
belonging to protect against drips and such.)

If you have any questions regarding products or the process feel free to
contact me. In addition if you wish to hire someone to complete the work I
will be happy to lend my services for $25 / balcony. The product I use has
a three year warranty and uses a cedar color tint.

Please let me know if you have any questions.


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